Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Don Sanders And The Issue Of Tuition Free Public College...

Break. Stand. Fight. Campaign Trail Rhetoric from Bernie Sanders and the †¨Issue of Tuition-Free Public College Money seems to be a big problem here in America according to Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders. He’s urging Californians to vote for â€Å"a new direction in the Democratic party† (Sanders Ad), and by virtue of that, put an end to the apparent corruption and misappropriation of this prized token of trade. In a rousing and inspirational commercial the Senator wanted us, as citizens of the Golden State, to not only vote for Bernie on June 7, but to get excited and maybe even a little angry about how money is the biggest and most corrupt problem here in America, particularly in regards to the issue of Tuition-Free Public College, where he encouraged us to fight for our right to free higher education and the promise of a greater nation. With better educated citizens strengthening our future economy, and a solid plan to fund tuition-free college for everyone by taxing the abundance of dollars being traded in Wall Street, Mr. Sanders has a confident and trustworthy proposal to get more Americans into a degree, however in the context of this 30-second television commercial he seems to fall short on his reasoning to back these ideas, and relies chiefly on the emotions of his constituents by simply reminding them of his views. If you’re a California Democrat, this ad’s for you. Here Bernie is primarily aiming at middle and lower income citizens, of all major ethnicities, who areShow MoreRelatedThe Literacy Rate Of The United States1361 Words   |  6 PagesEducation in Election 2016 Rates of literacy in the United States depend on how education in public and private schools providing to students and how it is affecting them to build bright futures. 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